Informal Project, 2017 yılında grafik tasarımcı Erman Yılmaz ve Gökçe Genç tarafından kurulan İstanbul merkezli bağımsız bir grafik ve görsel iletişim tasarımı stüdyosudur. Stüdyo, anlam, değer etki ve görsel kültür yaratmak isteyen kişilerle ve kurumlarla yaratıcı işbirlikleri yapmayı amaçlar.
Stüdyo; Afiş tasarımı, kitap tasarımı, editöryal tasarım, sergi , festival ve etkinlik kimliği tasarımı, marka tasarımı, yazı tipi tasarımı, hareketli grafikler, tanıtım malzemesi ve grafikleri, jenerik tasarımı, basılı ve dijital görsel tasarım gibi çeşitli alanlarda projeler üretmekten heyecan duyar.
Informal Project, görsel dil üretiminin merkezine tipografik araştırmaları yerleştirir ve görsel iletişimin yeni mecra, teknoloji ve deneyimler aracılığıyla nasıl evrildiğini takip eder.
Informal Project is an independent graphic and visual communication design studio based in Istanbul, founded in 2017 by graphic designers Erman Yılmaz and Gökçe Genç. The studio aims to engage in creative collaborations with individuals and organizations interested in creating meaning, value, impact, and visual culture.
We are excited to work on projects in various areas such as poster design, book design, event, festival and exhibition identity, branding, typeface design, motion graphics, generics, promotional materials and graphics.
The Studio places typographic research at the core of its visual language production and closely follows how visual communication evolves through new media, technology, and experiences.

Erman Yılmaz / Co-Founder
Graphic Designer, Viusal Designer & Type Designer
Graphic and Type Designer, Co-founder. Currently pursuing his master’s degree at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Graphic Design Department. He is interested in lettering, graffiti, type design and calligraphy. His works has been exhibited and featured locally and internationally such as TDC (USA), Weltformat(Germany), Graphis Annual(USA) BICeBé | Biennial of Poster Bolivia, Poster Quadrennial Bardejov (Slovakia) Grafist (Turkey), GMK (Turkey). He is often invited to events as a workshop leader and speaker. Talks about typography wherever and whenever!

Gökçe Genç / Co-Founder
Graphic Designer / Creative Director
Graphic Designer and Co-founder. Studied Graphic Design at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in İstanbul. She focuses on editorial design and typography, mostly works with urban planners independently and within Informal Project. Her works has been exhibited locally and internationally such as Graphis Annual(USA), Werkwoche International Design Week (Germany), Design Week Turkey, Poster Quadrennial Bardejov (Slovakia) Grafist (Turkey), GMK (Turkey). She is also a member of the Turkish Society of Graphic Designers. She likes to categorize things in both her life and work!

→ Salt
→ Mercado
→ Art Unlimted
→ Eldem Sanat Alanı
→ Akbank Sanat
→ Das Experiment Studio
→ İstanbul Street Dance Carnival
→ Grafist
→ Mural İstanbul
→ Mural-East
→ Müze Gazhane
→ Nilüfer Kent Tiyatrosu
→ Superpool
→ X Media Art Museum
→ Ytong
→ Umo Mimarlık
→ Creative Collobration
→ Mimarlar Derneği 1927
→ Italian Cultural Institute of Istanbul
→ Bernard van Leer F.
→ Etkiniz
→ Hrant Dink Foundation
→ Şehir Dedektifi
→ Studio-X Istanbul
→ Türkiye Tasarım Vakfı
→ Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü
→ Pon.Collective
→ Root
→ İstanbul.B.B
→ İstanbul Kültür A.Ş
→ Nilüfer Belediyesi
→ Mimar Sinan G.S.Üniversitesi
→ Kadir Has Üniversitesi
→ Bülent Erkmen
→ Ömer Durmaz
→ Bahar Türkay
→ Pelin Derviş
→ Selim Süme
→ Sabire Susuz
→ Serkan Taycan
→ Deniz Başar
→ Apple Music
→ Sneaks Up
→ Mudo
→ Das Pieces
→ Havas
→ Ardi Farma
→ Liba
Kristal Elma ’24
Design Category (Gold)— “Sarının İzi-Türk Ytong”/Book/Publishing Design
Design Category (Silver)— “Sarının İzi-Türk Ytong”/ Typography Design
Type Directors Club Communication Design 2023
Best Typography — “Sneaks Up – Coming Soon”
42nd GMK
Turkish Graphic Designers Ass. 2023
Best Typography — “Sneaks Up – Coming Soon”
Best Typography Award—“Sneaks Up-Coming Soon”
Logo Design Achievement Award—“Mural-East”
Best Merch Design Award—“Sneaks Up-Typographic Tshirt”
Book Design Achievement Award—“Deniz Başar-On the Edge of Language”
Sait Maden Typography Special Award—“Sneaks Up-Coming Soon”
Typography Achievement Award—“Selim Süme-Disobedient”
41th GMK
Turkish Graphic Designers Ass. 2022
Post Design / Achievement Award — “Ten, Beden, Ben”
Post Design / Achievement Award — “Selim Süme-Transit”
Type Directors Club Communication Design 2022
TDC68, World’s Best Typography—Typographic Excellence Award
“Stones Do Remember”
40th GMK
Turkish Graphic Designers Ass. 2021
Poster Design / Achievement Award — “Stones Do Remember”
Graphics Poster Annual 2021
Silver Award — “GMK Kırk yaşında”
Silver Award — “Boş Bir Oda Kendi Fonksiyonunu Yaratır”
Honorable Mention— “Osmanlı Topraklarında Kesişen Yaşamlar ve Matbaalar Anton Zellic ve Henry Cayol”
39th GMK
Turkish Graphic Designers Ass. 2020
Poster Design / Achievement Award — “Bauhaus Imaginista / Uzaklarda İstanbul”
Graphis Poster Annual 2020
Gold Award — “Muralistanbul 2018”
Silver Award — “Alex”
38th GMK
Turkish Graphic Designers Ass. 2019
Bikem Özsunay Faundation Poster Special Award — “Osmanlı Topraklarında Yaşamlar”
Typography Achievement Award — “GMK Kırk Yaşında”
Best Typography Design Award — “Bağlantılar”
Poster Design Achievement Award — “Book of Taswir”
Poster Design Achievement Award — “Tomasz Bierkowski”
Best Typeface Design Award — “Gaslamp Typeface”
Best Typography Award — “Studio-X Istanbul”
Best Direct Mail/Flyer — “Studio-X Istanbul”
Book Design Achievement Award — “Grafist21”
37th GMK
Turkish Graphic Designers Ass. 2018
Best Poster Design Award (Cultural/Social) — “Muralistanbul 2018”
Best Typeface Design Award — “Oddee Typeface”
Poster Design Achievement Award — “Perşembe Sineması”
Poster Design Achievement Award — “Muralistanbul Sariyer”
Poster Design Achievement Award — “Sinemanın Sesi”
Bikem Özsunay Faundation Poster Special Award — “Alex”
Bikem Özsunay Faundation Poster Special Award — “Mural Festival 2018”
İhap Hulusi Poster Special Award — “Mural Festival 2018”
GMK Best Typeface Design Award — “Oddee Typeface”
64th TDC
Type Directors Club Communication Design 2018
Typography Excellence Award — “Anafor Typeface specimen poster”
36th GMK
Turkish Graphic Designers Ass. 2016
Best Typography Design Award — “Crossing Frontiers”
GMK Best Typography Design Award — “Crossing Frontiers”
Exhibiton Design Award — “Grafist 20”
Typeface Design Achievement Award — “Anafor Typeface”
Catalogue Design Achievement Award — “Crossing Frontiers”
Exhibiton Design Achievement Award — “Speak to the Eyes”
Typography Design Achievement Award — “The Dialogues”
35th GMK
Turkish Graphic Designers Ass. 2015
Best Poster Design (Cultural/Social) — “Mural İstanbul”
Best Typography — “Köken İçerisinde Notlar”
Sait Maden Typography Special Award — “Köken İçerisinde Notlar”
İhap Hulusi Poster Design Special Award — “Mural İstanbul”
Bikem Özsunay Poster Design Special Award — “Köken İçerisinde Notlar”
Poster Design Success Award(Cultural/Social) — “Köken İçerisinde Notlar”
Typography Success Award — “ The Death of Cities/Kentlerin Ölümü”
34th GMK
Turkish Graphic Designers Ass. 2014
Poster Design Success Award(Cultural/Social) — “Mural İstanbul”
42th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2023
TDC69, World’s Best Typography” exhibition
New York/USA 2023
41th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2022
Golden Bee 15
Golden Bee 15 Global Biennale of Graphic Design, 2022
TDC68, World’s Best Typography” Exhibition
New York/USA 2022
40th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2021
BICeBé | Biennial of Poster Bolivia
La Paz, Bolivia, 2021
39th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2020
BICeBé | Biennial of Poster Bolivia
La Paz, Bolivia, 2019
Parallel Lines
Hochschule Ausburg ,Augsburg, German, 2019
Fikra Graphic Design Biennial
Jeff Talks/Antilop Poster Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2018
38th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2019
Ecuador Poster Bienal
Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carrión Quito, Ecuador, 2018
37th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2018
Jeff Talks Peş Peşe
Salt Beyoğlu, Istanbul,Turkey, 2018
TDC64, World’s Best Typography” exhibition
Seoul, South Korea, 2018
Starting Form Zero
Starting Form Zero Research of the Possibilities on ”Moving Posters”. Istanbul,Turkey, 2018
INAD/International Art and Design Exhibition
Selcuk University Konya,Turkey, 2018
Weltformat 17
The moving poster 2 Luzern, Switzerland, 2017
Design Week Turkey 17
MSGSÜ Seçilmiş İşler İstanbul, Turkey, 2017
International Poster Biennale Lublin
Lublin, Poland 2017
37th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2017
36th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
Bak Bana/Look at Me
Posters from Istanbul Augsburg University, Germany, 2017
The Seattle-Istanbul Poster Show
Hemingway Center Boise State University Seattle,USA, 2017
BICeBé | Biennial of Poster Bolivia
La Paz, Bolivia, 2017
Co2poster Biennial
Colorado Mesa University, USA, 2017
Type + Text
with Sarp Sözdinler, Muzeum Miasta Łodzi, Poland, 2017
13. Jazz W Ruinach Poster Exhibition
Gliwice, Poland, 2017
9th Yunus Emre Exhibition
Anadolu Calligraphy & Typography Event. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2017
Poster Quadrennial Bardejov
Poster Exhibition, Slovakia, 2017
Crossing Frontiers / Grafist20
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
Weltformat 16
with Blank Poster Luzern, Switzerland, 2016
8th Yunus Emre Exhibition
Anadolu Calligraphy & Typography Event. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2016
35th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
Blank Poster x Kon Exhibition
Einstein-Kultur, Munich, Germany, 2015
34th Graphic Design Exhibition
Organized by Turkish Graphic Designer Association Istanbul, Turkey, 2014